how to re stick led light strips

How to Re Stick LED Light Strips? Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

There are many DIYs available on ‘how to Re-stick LED light strips?’. The lights can be attached to walls, decors, roofs, pillars, furniture, etc. if you’re looking to find the easiest ways to stick the LED light strips, you have come to the right place. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an ambient glow on your kitchen cabinets or whether it’s for your gaming or studying space. The lights give out an incredibly beautiful view of the space. We can stick them with several methods. For example, we can use glue, adhesives, and other tapes for sticking the lights when the adhesive is attached to lose the stickiness in them.

Why Do LED Light Strips Lose their Stickiness?

There are many factors affecting the stickiness of the strip lights. The LED strip light’s adhesive is designed for smooth surfaces. So, when the strip is pasted on rough and irregular walls, the adhesive glue loses the ability to stick to the surfaces.

Another common issue is the prolonged use of stickers. When we use them for too long, they tend to lose the ability to stick.

The light strip has been observed to lose its stickiness when it is often exposed to heat, dust, and humidity. Make sure you also stick them to the surfaces properly because improper installation is known to remove them easily.

Sometimes kids are notorious enough to pull the strips off the surface it is attached to, or even naughty pets chew on them if they happen to reach the lights.

Can LED Light Strips Be Reused?

You can mostly use them without a problem. Whether the lights can be reused depends on many factors. For example, if the adhesive tape attached to the strips is of very poor quality, they won’t stick for too long.

We will have to change them sooner. The glue quality, the cheaper strip material used, how old the LED strips of lights are, and how many years you have them in your space affects whether you can reuse them after the glue has dried completely. But one downside is you need to find alternative ways to stick them back on the walls and other decors you removed them from.

One common solution we all have used is attaching a double tape to the back of the strip to re-stick them.

How Do you Clean LED Light Strips for Reuse?

The cleaning process depends on how badly the strips are damaged. We can use the following methods to clean and remove the particles and residues sticking to the adhesive. First, you can rub the back of the adhesive with your figure, ball out the attached debris and residue from the strip,

Otherwise, you can try using a heat gun or a dryer to heat the surface and soften the Styrofoam-like material behind it.

This will easily remove the residue sticking to the back of the tape. Just scrape it after heating.

Cautiously use some rubbing alcohol on the sticky part of the strips gently without ruining the paint on the surface. The alcohol will loosen the dirt and glue.

There are many adhesive removers available too. These are a much easier option to use compared to using a microfiber or cotton cloth to clean them.

Please make sure to avoid using any harsh chemicals and water. It can damage the circuit and lights. You will have to throw it away after that.

How to Re Stick LED Light Strips with Adhesive Tape?

The first thing to do is, get rid of the old sticky layer that is dried and useless. After removing it, clean the surface at the back of the strip with a cloth dipped in acetone, alcohol, or anything citrus to gently remove the adhesive. Do it carefully enough not to damage the lights.

After the cleaning and clearing of the strip adhesive, let it dry well. Once dried, use the double tape you have and stick it to the back of the LED light strip. Now your strip is ready for reuse.

How to Re Stick LED Light Strips with Adhesive Tape

There are so many other adhesive options available to re-stick; for example, we have glue dots, W3 tape, double-sided and adhesive tapes for reusing them.

If you don’t like the use of adhesives which are pretty damaging, you can go for options like hot glue, mounting putty, and cable ties.

These are less damaging on the walls and other wooden and vinyl surfaces.

How to Re Stick LED with Glue?

Using adhesive glue or hot glue on the strips to re-stick them is an easy and popular method many of us have tried. But it can be a little expensive to use. To use hot glue, place the glue rod in the gun and connect the gun to a power source.

When the glue is heated to the right temperature, which is not too low or too high, press the glue out of the gun onto the strip.

Make sure the glue is not too hot because it will damage the strip and light circuit. And don’t heat the glue too low because the glue will not be hot enough to stick on the surface.

When the glue is placed on the strip, press the LED light strip where you want to stick them on your home or office space. The other option is using adhesive glue. The most popular one we use is silicone adhesive sealant.

Just open the sealed package and open the seal off the tube and press it onto the strip. Then press and paste it on the surface as you, please.

How to Prevent LED Strips from Losing their Stickiness?

LED light strips come with a peel-off adhesive at the back to stick them on the surface. This adhesive has the chance of losing the stickiness or glue because of poor quality adhesive and lack of compatibility with surfaces such as brick walls, concrete, patterned surfaces, and ceilings. It can also peel off easily due to changes in temperature. Here are some of the ideas you can use to prevent them from losing their stickiness.

  • One such way to prevent this is to use a superior-quality LED light strip. Before buying, make sure to look for any damages to the light and the quality of the adhesive tape used.
  • Another way to prevent this is to clean the surface thoroughly, making sure it’s free from all sorts of dirt, debris, dust, and damage.
  • Next, try using other reinforcements, such as metal and plastic clips or brackets. Some people improvise using threads and metal hooks.
  • If you want to prevent your LED strip from losing its stickiness, don’t expose them too much to heat, dust, moisture, and other temperature changes.
  • Make sure you don’t stick the LED strip light anywhere close to the reach of pets and small children. They might pull and play around with it, causing it to lose its stickiness.

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Video Credits – Smart Home Solver

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