how to find out who an anon is on tumblr after answering

How to Find Out Who an Anon Is on Tumblr After Answering?

Tumblr is an American platform that allows people to submit multimedia and other information to a brief blog. Individuals may pose questions individually or privately on Tumblr thanks to a few capabilities. Tumblr also serves as a fantastic system for private organizations to succeed since it allows numerous customers to read your site and inquire about what you have to provide. Anon applies to users who leave anonymous comments or queries on other users’ blogs. However, are the anon users really anonymous? can anyone trace them, or does Tumbler trace their IP? How to find out who an anon is on Tumblr after answering? Let us find out.

Are Tumblr Anons Really Anonymous?

Masked note senders and post commenters are referred to as anons. So anons really invisible in Tumbler?

Certainly, On Tumblr, there seems to be currently no option to follow anonymous posters. Only by including a visitor monitor such as StatCounter on your page, which enables you to observe the individuals’ journeys through your site, may you attempt to follow people.

After someone becomes anonymous, people cannot identify their identity on a subject until they make it public. On anonymized inquiries, even minor cues like persons you blacklisted not being able to respond.

Given that there is potential for animosity, some individuals have taken advantage of the situation and engaged in victimization or sent explicit content. 

How to Find Out Who an Anon Is on Tumblr after Answering?

Finding out somebody’s anon is on Tumblr has become vital due to the issues that Tumblr users deal with on a regular basis in the shape of unpleasant or hostile anon postings.

In earlier times, it was extremely simple to identify an anonymous Tumblr user. Simply complete the following:

  • Visit the screen that displays the ban, remove, and response choices.
  • emphasis block
  • Right-click on the block.
  • A popup with many choices appears.
  • Choose “See Selection Source” from the list at the bottom.
  • IP appears in a programming box. Emphasize IP.
  • The Internet provider address should be copied and pasted into a website like
  • A screen appears with two choices: find the Internet address and IP address present.
  • Choose to check the Internet address.
  • Anon user’s information appears on the next page.

Lately, it has practically been a daunting task to figure out who anonymous is on Tumblr.  

But if you understand the route, hardly anything is unattainable. A new technique for identifying an anonymous user on Tumblr is through “StatCounter.”

StatCounter is a platform that analyses online traffic. It features a program that enables you to analyze visits to the page and its offshoot connections while also being accessible and simple to implement.

Installing and registering StatCounter is required before you can use its advantages.

Can Tumblr Track IP Address?

Unless you’ve reviewed the privacy statement, you might not be aware that Tumblr might monitor specific users when they engage with Tumblr sites. As viewers of the material that Tumblr authors upload from across the world view it, this performance report is ongoing. Due to the prevalence of websites that monitor users through various forms of technology, this is not rare.

Your IP address can be discovered on Tumblr. Your PC is identified online by its special number. But that code by itself cannot provide your name. Tumblr uses IP addresses to fight abuse, spyware, and identity fraud. Tumblr occasionally logs your position by utilizing your Ip to look up your position in global data.

  • Tumblr has access to your session data: Each webpage may employ code to identify the search engine you’re running. Tumblr keeps track of the equipment you use to view Tumblr sites, along with your system software, browser form, and generation. This indicates that it is aware of whether you are viewing a site on a desktop or a mobile device. Additionally, Tumblr might be able to identify specific extensions you utilize.
  • Tumblr is aware of your origins: The Address of the website that recommended you can be found when you follow a relation on one Web application to access another. The date and duration of each Browsing session you perform while on Tumblr are also recorded together with the source data. Even though many individuals might consider this kind of monitoring to be a breach of security, it’s standard practice, and all Web pages enable websites to do this lawfully.
  • Tumblr may recognize anyone: These monitoring strategies are applicable to both Tumblr users and visitors who merely browse a Tumblr site. Tumblr may recognize you if you have a profile, even though most detection approaches cannot. This is feasible because when you create a new profile, you give basic data such as your name, email id, and sometimes your personal details. According to Tumblr, this data may be used to recognize you individually.

What Happens if You Ask Anonymously on Tumblr?

You receive Ten “Asks” every day as a Tumblr member, but only 5 of them might be anonymous. All inquiries sent after that time won’t be delivered to the desired author. So, “Question” thoughtfully.

The only option to react to statements made anonymously on Tumblr is global since there isn’t anyone to direct the response to; secret ‘Asks’ may only be addressed directly on the site.

There isn’t any assurance that you will receive a response to your inquiry because writers can respond accept or reject. In reality, writers have the option of refusing all queries.

Can You Block an Anon on Tumblr?

Yes, you can easily block anons on Tumbler with the help of this statement. Select “Block” by clicking or tapping the 3 lines at the head of the reply box. Choose “Block” by tapping the 3 lines on the request or contribution in your Queue. The dots appear in the upper right-hand corner of the text on both the website and iphone.


Tumblr is a professional sharing and publishing platform that allows individuals to upload “tumblelogs” or brief blog postings. The freedom with which Tumblr operates and the extent to which users may design their sites make it stand out from other social media platforms. Given the freedom to write or post anonymously, users may get bullied every time with their session in the Tumbler. However, with the help of this article, you can identify or ban the anon user in Tumbler.

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